(突發!🇺🇸美國參議員Josh Hawlay 發文指,國會將再加碼推新制裁法《Hong Kong Be Water Act》 )Josh Hawlay 發言指自己在香港親眼目睹香港已經進入警察國家狀態,在中共的嚴苛打壓之下,香港人的情況非常危急,北京及香港特區政府打壓香港基本人權,因此決定引用兩大制裁法寶《全球馬格尼茨基人權問責法》及《國際緊急經濟權力法》,制裁任何打壓香港言論、結社、集會、示威自由的中國公民或公司(包括中國及香港政府的官員,文中點名話林鄭會有份。)
Josh Hawlay : "Make no mistake about it: Hong Kong is rapidly becoming a police state. We must send a signal to the world that the United States will stand with Hongkongers as they stand up to the Chinese Communist Party."
The "Hong Kong Be Water" Act, which is co-sponsored by Republican senators Rick Scott of Florida and John Cornyn of Texas, condemns the Chinese government for violating the civil liberties obligated to Hong Kong citizens, and calls for punishing the transgressors by freezing their personal financial assets.
"The situation in Hong Kong is urgent, and the people of Hong Kong are looking to the United States and to other freedom-loving peoples around the world for support and for strength," Hawley stated. "It's time that we sent them the message and that we called on our allies to do the same, that we must stand with Hong Kong, because our own security and our own ideals are at stake."
廣傳& RT: https://twitter.com/hawleymo/status/1189928584963592192?s=21
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