(SBU)符合經《 2019年香港人權與民主法》修正的1992年《美國-香港政策法》("該法")第205和301條以及第7043(f)(4)條的規定 (B)根據《 2020年美國國務院對外行動及相關計劃撥款法》(G部,PL 116-94),該部提交本報告以及隨附的2019年3月至2020年5月香港發展動態的證明 。
(SBU)美國國務院有法律義務,每年向國會證明香港是否繼續根據美國法律給予區別對待。 經過仔細考慮後,根據《香港政策法》第301條的要求,我不能再證明香港繼續應予這種待遇。
(SBU)鑑於實際情況,取消資格認證不足為奇。 當英國於1997年將香港移交給中國共產黨領導的北京政權時,人們的希望是,自由和繁榮的香港將通過領導該政權向更自由的方向改變中國。 中國的承諾是,在50年內,香港將享有某些權利,並受到聯合國提交的國際條約《中英聯合聲明》所保障的管理體制。 相反,專制中國現在改變了香港。
(SBU)多年來,領土自由的侵蝕已逐漸發生,自習近平總書記上台以來,加劇了這一自由。 2014年,北京有效地排除了普選作為選舉該地區領導人的手段。 持不同政見者被驅逐出香港進入中國大陸,並被迫"承認"涉嫌犯罪。 面對北京支持的廣告抵制和其他壓力,當地媒體對自己對中共的報導進行了自我審查。 北京宣布驅逐在中國大陸工作的美國記者,並表示也將禁止他們在香港進行報導。
(SBU)在去年的報告中,我斷言香港保持了"足夠的(儘管有所減少)自治程度",以表彰北京對領土的不斷升級。 自這份報告發表以來,中國冒充香港人民享有《中英聯合聲明》和《基本法》賦予他們的高度自治,民主體制和公民自由。
(SBU)2019年11月,全國人民代表大會常務委員會法制委員會發表聲明,聲稱只有人大常委會有權決定香港法律是否符合《基本法》。 這項聲明對自治的基本原則和香港法院長期行使司法審查權以裁定法律和審查政府行為的做法提出了挑戰。
(SBU)2020年4月17日,中國政府駐香港中央政府聯絡處(CGLO)發表聲明,聲稱CGLO和中央政府駐香港和澳門事務處不受《基本法》條款的約束。 哪個州
那個"沒有中央人民政府的部門。 。 。 可能會干預香港的事務"。
(SBU)2020年5月22日,中國在全國人民代表大會上宣布一項提議,單方面任意強加在香港實施國家安全立法,這一程序性步驟違背了《中英聯合聲明》的精神和做法。 和"一國兩制"框架。
(SBU)香港人民有數以百萬計的民眾抗議這些侵犯其人權和基本自由的行為,更不用說中國背叛了自己對香港的承諾。 香港政府沒有聽取他們的不滿和尋求民主解決方案,而是部署了催淚瓦斯,並大規模逮捕了包括和平示威者在內的人,而據報導,北京派人民武裝警察進入香港,這違反了《基本法》和《基本法》的承諾。 中英聯合聲明。
(SBU)香港繁榮了數十年,是自由的堡壘,也是中國渴望成為的榜樣。 我希望將來有一天,我能夠再次證明該領土再次需要根據美國法律予以區別對待。 在當前情況下,發生這種情況的可能性很小。 同時,美國與香港人民站在一起,他們與中共日益否認的承諾自治作鬥爭。
根據1992年《美國-香港政策法》("該法")第205條以及《 2019年香港人權與民主法》(22 USC 5725)第4(a)(2)條的規定,以及 結合本法第301條要求的報告,本人謹此證明,香港不再繼續按照美國法律要求給予與1997年7月1日之前對美國適用的美國法律相同的待遇。
BREAKING NOW: U.S. Department of State and Secretary Mike Pompeo just submitted the official Hong Kong Policy Act Report to Congress - as required by the Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992 and the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019.
(SBU) Hong Kong Policy Act Report
(SBU) Consistent with sections 205 and 301 of the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992 (the "Act"), as amended by the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019, and section 7043(f)(4)(B) of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2020 (Div. G, P.L. 116-94), the Department submits this report and the enclosed certification on developments in Hong Kong from March 2019 through May 2020.
(SBU) Summary:
(SBU) The Department of State is obligated by law to certify to Congress annually whether Hong Kong continues to warrant differential treatment under U.S. law. After careful consideration, as required by section 301 of the Hong Kong Policy Act, I can no longer certify that Hong Kong continues to warrant such treatment.
(SBU) This decertification should come as no surprise, given the facts on the ground. When the United Kingdom handed Hong Kong over to the Chinese Communist Party-led regime in Beijing in 1997, the hope was that free and prosperous Hong Kong would change China by leading the regime in a more liberal direction. China's promise was that for 50 years, Hong Kong would have certain rights and a system of governance guaranteed by the Sino-British Joint Declaration, a UN-filed international treaty. Instead, authoritarian China has now changed Hong Kong.
(SBU) The erosion of the territory's liberties has happened gradually over a period of years, and has accelerated since General Secretary Xi Jinping took power. In 2014, Beijing effectively ruled out universal suffrage as a means to elect the territory's leader. Dissidents were spirited out of Hong Kong into mainland China and forced to "confess" alleged crimes. Facing Beijing-backed advertising boycotts and other pressure, local media outlets self-censored their coverage of the CCP. Beijing announced the expulsion of U.S. journalists working from mainland China, and said it would prohibit them from reporting from Hong Kong as well.
(SBU) In last year's report, I asserted that Hong Kong maintained "a sufficient – although diminished – degree of autonomy," as an acknowledgement of Beijing's escalating assault on the territory. Since that report was issued, China has shed any pretense that the people of Hong Kong enjoy the high degree of autonomy, democratic institutions, and civil liberties guaranteed to them by the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the Basic Law.
(SBU) In November 2019, the Legislative Affairs Commission of the National People's Congress Standing Committee issued a statement asserting that only the NPCSC has the power to decide whether Hong Kong laws comply with the Basic Law. This statement challenged fundamental principles of autonomy and the long-established practice of Hong Kong courts exercising the power of judicial review to adjudicate laws and review government actions.
(SBU) On April 17, 2020, the Chinese government's Central Government Liaison Office (CGLO) in Hong Kong issued a statement claiming that CGLO and the central government's Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office in Beijing are not bound by a provision of the Basic Law which states
that "no department of the Central People's Government . . . may interfere in the affairs" of Hong Kong.
(SBU) On May 22, 2020, the PRC announced a proposal at the National People's Congress (NPC) to unilaterally and arbitrarily impose national security legislation on Hong Kong, a procedural step which contradicts the spirit and practice of the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the One Country, Two Systems framework.
(SBU) The people of Hong Kong turned out in the millions to protest these violations of their human rights and fundamental freedoms, not to mention China's betrayal of its own promises to the territory. Instead of listening to their grievances and finding a democratic solution, the Hong Kong government deployed tear gas and made mass arrests, including of peaceful demonstrators, while Beijing reportedly dispatched its People's Armed Police into Hong Kong, contrary to its promises under the Basic Law and the Sino-British Joint Declaration.
(SBU) Hong Kong flourished for decades as a bastion of liberty and example of what China could aspire to become. I hope that someday in the future, I will be able to recertify that the territory once again warrants differential treatment under U.S. law. Given present circumstances, the chance of that happening is remote. In the meantime, the United States stands with the people of Hong Kong as they struggle against the CCP's increasing denial of the autonomy they were promised.
Pursuant to section 205 of the United States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992 ("the Act"), as added by section 4(a)(2) of the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of2019 (22 U.S.C. 5725), and in conjunction with the report required under section 301 of the Act, I hereby certify that Hong Kong does not continue to warrant treatment under United States law in the same manner as United States laws were applied to Hong Kong before July 1, 1997.
Michael R. Pompeo
Secretary of State
May 27, 2020
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